Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
baby's got back
Well, for some time now The back of my frames have been neglected. Really, who care whats behind the painting. For presentation/professionalism reasons I had to put a stop too this so over the summer I put down the hammer and nails and taught my self a better way.
No more finishing nails....I would suggest the Logan's Frame Fitting Tool which I use. It is around $40 bucks.... but if you spend $40 more you can have your self a professional grade fitting tool at a framing supply store. (not Arron bros) I had many problems with this tool it doesn't punch the inserts into the side of the frame all that well.
On the back of the panel I write down the info of the painting: artist, size, title, date etc... in some cases a " working title" when I don't have a title figured out. I even write the measurements on the frame and also sign it.
3m Super 77 is the brand I use. I like the sound of that it sounds like a writer from the 70's.
I spray a medium amount of adhesive.
After the adhesive has set I place a sheet off brown construction paper over the glue.
I then take a X-acto knife and cut off the excess.
I then I use finishing tape to clean up the sides. The L bracket that is screwed into the frame is for extra support for some of my older weaker frames.
I measure and mark the spot were the eye hooks and wire will go. I make sure the wire will hang at 3" inches from the top of the frame.
Once completed I hand sign the title, date, size and use my stamp. I also have a business card pouch for the collector to give out as well.

I spray a medium amount of adhesive.

I then take a X-acto knife and cut off the excess.

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Good stuff
This group reminds me of portishead. They have a creepy sound and the singer Angela McCluskey has a cool voice.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
This is a Great Great book! Doze has the biggest spread in the book! I'm not surprised.... He is the king of Mugsy/B-boy type characters! That alone is worth the 35 dollar price tag of the book!
For me it was like looking through a time capsule. especially the Doze section. I had forgotten about his black book drawings. It has been 20* years since I last thumbed threw he's black books, random photos and drawings. out of site out of mind ,right? For me it was like opening up a time capsule. I did have some copies of the actual photos in my pre 1994 arrest collection along with some original photo copies of Brims characters and other tat crew gems that I had since 86.... This has brought back a lot of memories and it reminded me why I love subway graffiti.
*I intended to post this 2 years ago when I got the book*
For me it was like looking through a time capsule. especially the Doze section. I had forgotten about his black book drawings. It has been 20* years since I last thumbed threw he's black books, random photos and drawings. out of site out of mind ,right? For me it was like opening up a time capsule. I did have some copies of the actual photos in my pre 1994 arrest collection along with some original photo copies of Brims characters and other tat crew gems that I had since 86.... This has brought back a lot of memories and it reminded me why I love subway graffiti.
*I intended to post this 2 years ago when I got the book*
Friday, December 18, 2009
I'm ashamed to say, but this is probably my first complete drawing in my own black book since ....the 80's
Around the first part of 1990, I started decorating my black books with stickers, clipping, photos, etc. Because of these shenanigan's, I became paranoid to draw in them. I didn't want to make any mistakes and would be forced to rip out the pages or glue a clean sheet over it. What also added to my fear was Back in the 1980's I had at least a half dozen completely filled full color black books most were stolen, lost or I gave away.
So I just started working on outlines on loose paper. From the beginning of the 90's up until this week...Dec 13 2009. I mostly did my layout with a Bic pen or a pencil sketch's on some loose piece of paper. I would just freestyle my fill In's when I would paint the piece.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
In your face...hipster scum!
Oldie but goodie.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
weather report.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
I was reunited with this photo recently along with others. It was in one of my Mom's photo albums. My copy of this photo are long gone... luckly she had all the doubles and negatives of the trip we took back home in 1989
SAke 1989 NYC

Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Catching up
About 4 months back...maybe longer....whew!!! This year flew by!!!.... I FINALLY started moving into the new art studio that was rebuilt by my good friend and my 1st writing partner, Richie... aka Kaze. This was happening right before the new edition to the family, our daughter Matisse. At the time I did have a few opportunities... not much, but just enough to at least get the moving rolling. I was also working on a dozen of drawings and paintings for a few art shows that was quickly rearing its head. ( I will post flicks later)
During my move and going through all my stuff and organising. I would draw at the kitchen table and paint on the porch, which I don't mind. Not to mention the expansion of our family's restaurant was finally completely finished and up and running for a few months before hand. We also did a name change from "Megans" to The Trails Eatery . I was in charge of decorating the new restaurant...which is not quite finished yet....Due to finding frames that fit the art work/vintage photos/collectibles and finding the time hunting pieces down at antique shops and from regulars and family members, personal archives of ole stuff that won't work in the art studio/tat station/home decor. We also had few construction jobs inside our house to get it ready for Mati. And....Around the same time I started working at my good friends tattoo shop (propaganda) After 2 years of not tacking I started missing it and gave it a try....more on this later!!!! So after all that.... Slowly but surely I had some time to move in to the studio, decorate it a little... I still have tons more stuff to put up. and finally was able to start working on some older unfinished paintings and start the new larger paintings with a new direction and technique..... Here is a few shot I took the other night.
Found the rack behind our restaurant.. ironically it was
planning on building one that day..but found this instead.
This is were I keep all of my frames that waiting for the art work to be finished.
Rosy the manikin is keeping an eye on them.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Some SUBWAY footage.... Around frame marker 109. Can't forget the HUGE banner that Zephry and Futura 2000 painted for the Clash.
I think this is the first music video that shows breaking being done in 1981.
Sorry.... haven't been posting working on a show.....and with Matisse ready to be born next month and My wife and I are nesting like crazy around the ranch..... bloggin will be on hold...... I WILL BE BACK!!!!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
St Paco, found this on the Complex web site. It is about ol rapp mags that have died over the years. Since, I was a rapp fan from 79-91ish, I decided to investigate browsed around a few and instantly laid eyes on the cover of 4080. I have forgotten about 4080, since my graffiti paraphernalia from 1994 and below was collected by Americas finest. I instantly remembered this cover, since I was present that day in San Fransisco, and the iconic photo of the Police car that was vandalised and was plastered in all sort of magazines. That was the nail in the coffin for "Market street yard." After a few glances of random covers and I went back to the 4080 section and then I had an "Oh shit moment" and realised my car was in the back ground with a 594 sticker on the front wind screen! I think the person standing next to my car on the driver side is me. Tonight I will go through my archives and post What I have from that day.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
K street

I finally had the opportunity to at the K.St yard in the East Village this past June. I was offered to judge a breaking battle for an event, so I asked if I could paint as well. They agreed. But when I was driving down to the event I got a call form my Mum and had to be home 6pm to watch Miles, my Mother had to leave earlier then expected.

After showing up late, I was expecting to get shafted and was preparing to paint on a little side wall, since the other artist were supposed to show up by 1pm. I showed up around 3pm and had the place to myself. So I took advantage of the situation and snagged the big wall in the court yard of the MMA gym.

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009

For some reason the new (90's on up) BMX bikes have always left a bad taste in my mouth. I never really like the look of the actual bicycle compared to a 80's or older bike. For the past few years or so I have been peeking interest on riding again, not to go balls out crazy like I used to do or race but just to cruise around on and maybe loose some extra pounds. Besides, Miles will be riding a bike soon and I cant bare riding a mountain bike, unless I FINALLY get my other bike project finished.
The second reason because The Haro freestyler has been my favorite "freestyle/bmx" bike ever and as I mentioned in an early blogging, I let mine go... like an idiot.... and have been trying to recover the loss ever since.
So trying to get another Haro Freestyler on Ebay.... with no luck for some time has been frustrating. I got wind of a new Haro Freestyler being made in 2008. I got all excited and was going to purchase one right away. I googled it and was like WHOOOA.... COOL ....ALRIGHT!!!!....uh? Wait a minute... somethings not right!!! My first thought was to ditch the seat and tires. Then the excitement started to fade really fast after studying it for a few seconds. I thought...Well, maybe I can strip it of all it's parts.... and replace them with originals. But still the frame looked off........ So I did a side by side comparison and this is what I discovered . The angles and height were all off, they built it like a new freestyle bike with the crappy lowered seats and low frame configuration. YUCK!

Wait a minute!!!! I started noticing all sort of flaws in the design and equipment. That's not the Haro Freestyler that I had and loved! Especially, the way the sticker looks on the side of the frame. The look and angle of the Kashimax Seat vs The 08 seat, that is padded and lowered, Christ sakes !!! That sucks. The finish of the new Haro mag wheels, look like a faded pair of black jeans. Not like how Skyway Tuff Wheel 2 were, with a deep black. And on them were not the same type of tire. Not like the Front tire a Cycle Pro Snakebelly or on the Rear Tire a Raleigh blackwall street... Just some all black tires...with no style!!! And whats up with the grips and the brakes cord on top instead of underneath, No Dia Compe brakes? No Grab on MX-3 grips ? Those short handle bars don't have the same shear AWESOMENESS of Vector bars sporting a Haro Series One number plate coming at ya full blast. And what about ose new cranks, geeez, no Redline flight cranks accompanied with shimano dx pedals.
Bob had his set up perfectly and should be honored in the right way, not like this new version.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
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